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How to get into popular school catchment areas – without breaking the bank

Telegraph Money reveals how to beat the competition without paying over the odds

The quest for a home in the catchment area for a state or grammar school with a compelling academic record has long been popular with parents who want the best education for their children without having to pay private school fees. 
It’s not surprising if you factor in the rising cost of private education over the years. The most recent figures from the Independent Schools Council, which represents more than 1,400 private schools, reveals fees for the 2023-24 academic year increased by 8pc on average from the previous year. That takes the average day school fee to £6,021 per term, or £18,064 a year. For boarding schools the average fee rose 9pc to £14,153 per term or £42,459 a year.
But competition for top comprehensive and grammar schools is set to become even more fierce – and securing a place in those all-important catchment areas could get more difficult. 
Here, Telegraph Money reveals how you can beat the competition without breaking the bank.
Private schooling looks set to become even more expensive because the Labour Party plans to charge VAT on independent school fees, where currently no charge exists.
Using existing figures, that would take annual fees for a day pupil to an eye-watering £21,677, and to £50,951 for boarders. Such an increase will likely mean hard-working families are priced out of continuing with a private education for their children.
A recent poll of 30,000 parents of children at independent schools suggested 42pc would leave the private sector – which has 500,000-plus pupils – within the next five years, including 14pc who would leave immediately, should the 20pc increase go ahead.
Parents with pre-school children might also abandon plans to send them to an independent school and will be looking to move to an area dictated by their school of choice.
Competition is already fierce for homes near excellent state primary schools as well as top grammar and high-performing comprehensives. Top the list of “most wanted” schools are those near Winchester, Epsom, Guildford and Bath, among others.
If you’re house hunting in a catchment area with one or more high achieving state primary, comprehensive or grammar school then you can expect to pay a hefty premium, which could increase further. Research from Savills shows that property in areas in the top percentile in terms of school rankings have an average house price of more than £800,000, 56pc higher than the regional average for these locations. For detached homes that premium is even higher, at 69pc, and prices exceed £1.2m.
London and the South East dominate the top 10 list, but Wilmslow in the North West, which scores top for outstanding primary schools, also features.
However, there are ways to outsmart this premium.
By purchasing a fixer-upper you can cut costs on the purchase price – and stamp duty. Yes, it probably means living with a less than desirable kitchen or some seriously dated wallpaper and an avocado bathroom for a while – but it could ensure that you and your family will be in the right place at the right time. 
However, you need to be careful – both in terms of timing and costs. Amy Reynolds, head of sales at Richmond estate agency Antony Roberts, warned that this game plan could backfire. She said: “If you are struggling to find something affordable in the postcode you’re looking for, then looking for the ugly duckling in the area might seem like the answer. 
“However, buying an unmodernised property could lead to paying as much, if not more, as a ‘done’ property in the area given the cost of renovations. Not only that, if large renovations are needed, it could delay the moving-in date, which could affect your ability to secure a place in that school in time.”
A move to an area for the sake of the children doesn’t always result in purchasing your forever home, according to Joanna Cocking, head of private office and prime at Hamptons. 
“Many parents settle on a property that’s far from their desired home,” she said. “They will compromise on all sorts to get the right address within budget. That might mean moving to a smaller house or to one on a busy main road, the idea being that once the children are through school they can move on into the home they really want. 
“The house might not be what they want, but it means they can get their children into a really great school without having to pay fees. The savings are significant.”  
If it’s proving difficult to find something affordable to buy in the catchment area you want to be in, you could rent instead. If you already own a property, you could perhaps rent it out to help with the cost, which means you don’t have to step off the housing ladder. 
Once your child is in school you’ll have a few more options for where you can buy further down the line. 
However, bear in mind that you’ll have to become a landlord and have all the hassle that goes with it. This includes needing to pay income tax on rental income that will reduce the actual amount you receive, and there is now a maximum 20pc mortgage interest tax credit that can be offset against rental income.
You also run the risk that in certain areas it might be challenging to find a family home to let. Ms Cocking said: “In some areas there’s a shortage of family homes on the lettings side. But it’s worth exploring.”
You could try putting notes through the door of properties on the streets where you want to live. Somebody somewhere might be pondering the idea of renting out their home. 
Some excellent grammar schools do not impose a catchment area. So, if you happen to live nearby or can find an area that’s affordable and commutable for your children, it could be the answer.
Jemma Zoe Smith, director of The Education Hotel which helps parents find the right schools for their children, said: “There are non-catchment area schools if you know where to look. Queen Elizabeth, a boys school in Barnet, north London, is a prime example. However, it’s over-subscribed every year and super selective. You need a very high score in the 11-plus exam to get in. Others include Bexley Grammar in Kent, which is also extremely popular.”
House prices in popular catchment areas have been higher than their surrounding areas for years, and parents have long been using every trick in the book to get their children into the right schools.
It’s not something the Telegraph would ever recommend, but using the address of properties lived in by family or friends in the area has been a tactic used by parents determined to get their children into their first-choice school in the past. But you won’t get away with it now, according to Ms Cocking.
She said: “Schools are clamping down on the slightest hint of admissions fraud. They can ask for proof that you’ve been living at the address you’ve provided for the time you say, such as a backdated utility bill. They might even ask your child about where you live – and you wouldn’t want to have to ask your child to lie.” 
Instead of selling up, you might consider buying a flat in the catchment area of the school you want to apply for, and living there for a while, before later renting it out as a buy-to-let investment.
However, this still involves spending a lot of money, and isn’t always viable for larger families.
If you end up busting your budget and stretching yourself to bag that all-important address, you can find comfort in the fact your property will most likely be an excellent investment.
While you might shell out the premium for the privilege of being in the desired certain catchment area, you’ll benefit from fee-free education for your children which saves tens of thousands on school fees (or hundreds of thousands if you have a large family). 
You will also hopefully get the capital appreciation on that property when the children have flown the nest, by which time you might decide to sell up and settle in a new location not dictated to you by school catchment areas. Think of it as playing the long game – if you can afford to.
Understanding school entry rules is very important when it comes to relocating. Ms Smith said: “The rules differ for each and every school and can change with little notice. In fact, sometimes schools will change their catchment area so it’s important to check directly with the school rather than relying on where parents of existing pupils live. 
Sometimes schools make catchment areas smaller, simply because they’re already oversubscribed. As the pressure gets greater, the catchment area gets smaller. So if you don’t have the most up-to-date details you might find yourself buying on the wrong side of the street and being metres out of the catchment border.
Ms Smith also warned that the rules also differ on timings of when you need to move. She said: “While some schools insist you live in the catchment for a number of months before applying, others will allow you to apply before you relocate, though ask if you are in situ for the first day of term.”
